Past TOPSoccer athletes. |
As a firm believer in paying it forward, I’ve always been involved in community service efforts. I spent the past four years leading my high school service club of 600 students all working to make a difference in the community. I organized food drives that brought in over 3,000 pounds of canned goods and coordinated hundreds of service opportunities for students throughout the school year. But being assigned to volunteer in a soccer program threw me for a loop. Why? Because the last time I touched a soccer field I was three years old and probably scored on the wrong goal.
But lucky for me, LYSA TOPSoccer requires no background in soccer for volunteers. Instead, they ask for a kind, compassionate volunteer to attend weekly practices and support their players.
Masterson Station Park. |
LYSA TOPSoccer, founded in 2009, is a community program that provides a unique opportunity to athletes with a developmental, physical, or intellectual disability. Athletes with disabilities such as Down syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, or Cerebral Palsy are given the chance to participate in the team sport of soccer and attend weekly practices at an outdoor complex in Lexington. The Top Outreach Program for Soccer is run solely by volunteers who serve as either an administrator or a Buddy, all under the direction of Dr. Jessie Birdwhistell.
This picture features a Buddy and athlete pair from a past season. |
The key component of TOPSoccer is the Buddy system. Each volunteer is paired with an athlete to serve as their “Buddy” - a guide on the field, friend for the day, and support system to cheer them on from the sideline. To serve as a Buddy requires no extensive knowledge in the sport of soccer, just a patient personality willing to run alongside athletes throughout practice.
Equally as important as the athletic component of practice is the social aspect for the athletes. They anticipate seeing their Buddy and are ecstatic in knowing they get to be around new people each week. Several Buddy/athlete pairs have been together for multiple seasons and have formed special friendships. Other athletes enjoy the chance to meet new people and opt to work with a different Buddy each practice.
I attended my first practice on September 13, 2015 and was paired with a young athlete on the Blue Thunder team named Enzo. Enzo is a sweet soul that lights up with a big smile and hands out unlimited high-fives upon scoring a goal. Every water break, he ran over to his mom on the sideline and gave her a big hug, gleaming with pride over his accomplishments. I look forward to a season of working with Enzo, watching him grow and becoming his friend. He might just have more to teach me about life than I can teach him.
Website Citation:
TOPSoccer. (2012, August 13). Retrieved September 13, 2015.